This week has been really good!! We have found so many new potential investigators its amazing what the lord will do to put people in your path. I hope that we will be able to really help them all come closer to christ. We found these two Vietnamese girls and they are so cute! They speak some Chinese and some english (they came to english class- thats how we found them) so we will see how it goes. But they wanted a BOM after english class and i can really see their desire to want to know more.
So we have an awesome investigator Sharon (we absolutely lover her) but her parents wont allow her to get baptized (which is a realllly common thing around here, and super hard to work with) Anyways we are meeting with her dad this week who is supppper buddhist (yes i am freaking out inside). So some prayers our way wouldnt hurt haha really though. I know that if we trust the lord he will help us out. Sister Tapia always says "The lord works with where you are at and what youve got" and i think that is so true and such a comfort. Anyways last night during FHE we had these two guys that are from an another ward came and after talking with them (there English was really good haha) we figured out about their story and it was pretty much exactly the same as Sharon (their parents fan dui). So we sat down with them and had a quick lesson and it was amazing!! They handled it perfectly and were totally able to relate to her and help her. They gave her ideas and invites and the spirit was so strong. It was definitely a miracle. So i am really praying that all goes well in meeting with her dad! She want to be baptized so bad.
Well ya cha bu duo thats how this week was! I know this gospel is true and that the lord loves ya all so very much :) have a great week!!
Here are some random pics, sorry we didnt take to many this week!
ALSO S/O to my cousin sarah for getting her mission call to SCOTLAND IRELAND !!!! so freaking cool. shes going to kill it. 
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